The corpse was later identified as belonging to that of 88 year old Lois Hicks who’d passed away the day prior and was in her casked for a public viewing at the Sunset Memorial Gardens and Funeral Home.
It wasn’t until the deceased woman’s daughter noticed her mother’s ring ‘suddenly’
missing as they took to prepping the corpse that a viewing of CCTV
footage led to the identification of the macabre behaving thief as that
of Kalynn Homfeld.
Homfeld’s arrest on Tuesday comes after
Odessa Police picked the woman up at on the block of 200 Filch Avenue
after cops received tips nationwide. That’s right, nothing will
infuriate a collective than watching your loved one having their ring
pick-pocketed while lying dead in a coffin.
Cpl. Steve LeSueur with Odessa Police Department: ‘It’s just unbelievable that someone would ever do that.’
Public records indicate that Kalynn
Homfeld being a mainstay in the court system, with the career criminal
being arrested at least 16 times for a variety of crimes.
Sample crimes stretching as far back as
1999 that our Odessa corpse ring stealer has been nabbed on include ( go
boil some tea, this is a long one…): prostitution,
theft of property, false identification, failure to maintain financial
responsibility, failure to ID fugitive, DWI and possession of controlled
Court records indicate Kalynn Homfeld’s most recent arrest prior being in March for theft of items totaling $17 at Albertsons. See a trend here kids?
Police said despite Homfeld’s history of property theft it didn’t make easier to identify her as the suspect.
Told LeSuer: ‘In a lot of cases
we’ll look at who has a history of doing this, who has a history of
doing that. In this case, we’ve never had a history of anyone stealing
from a deceased person.’
Odessa police said it only took about
three minutes for Homfeld to enter the funeral home and commit the
crime. It is still under investigation if she had any relation to the
family or what other corpses the woman may have impinged upon in the
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