Thursday, September 15, 2016

The famous afro Bob Ross had was fake!! (PIC)

TV painting instructor/artist Bob Ross using a large paint brush to touch up one of his large seascapes in his studio at home.
Long before ASMR and Tasty videos came along, the best Zen thing to watch with your eyes glazed over and your jaw fully slack was The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross.
For 403 episodes of the PBS classic, Ross softly guided the viewer through the process of painting a blank canvas — his signature ‘fro making the show as much as his deft and deliberate art skills. But it turns out it was all a lie — Ross’s hair was actually stick straight.
Bob Ross
In an interview with NPR, his business partner, Annette Kowalski, revealed that Ross initially grew out his hair and permed it to save money on haircuts when he was fresh out of the Air Force and trying to make it as a painter. But soon, he became trapped by his look.
Thank you for your sacrifice, Bob. We’re all happier little trees for it.

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