Sarta Kalara also feeds Shivani as one end of a barrier tape is tied to Shivani's foot and the other end to a stone to prevent Shivani from running away, in Ahmedabad, India, April 19, 2016. Barefoot and caked in dust, the toddler spends nine hours a day in temperatures topping 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) attached to the 4.5 foot (1.4 meter) tape marked "caution."
"I tie her so she doesn't go on the road. My younger son is three and a half so he is not able to control her," said the 23-year old, covering her face with her sari. "This site is full of traffic, I have no option. I do this for her safety."
Prabhat Jha, head of child protection at Save the Children India, said childcare facilities were rare, and usually cost. "There should be creche facilities, either from the government or the construction companies. There should be a safe place for these children. They are at real risk of being hurt," Jha said. Parents said their children usually stayed with them until they are seven or eight, when they are sent to live with grandparents in poor tribal villages in a neighboring state.
Kalara, said managers had turned a blind eye to her plight. "They don't care about us or our children, they are only concerned with their work."
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