Thursday, July 7, 2011

12 year old girl commits suicide to donate organs but is cremated before note is found

Thursday, July 7th 2011, 11:15 AM

A 12-year-old suicide victim's plan to donate organs to her ailing father and brother failed when she was cremated before a suicide note explaining her wishes was found.
Mumpy Sarkar, who lived in the village of Jhorpara in eastern India, left behind a devastated family that didn't discover her final message until a day after the cremation, The Times of India reported.
"We were too late in understanding the feelings of a very sensitive child," her inconsolable father Mridul Sarkar told the Times.
The dad was losing his eyesight, while son Monojit was battling kidney failure, the newspaper reported. The cash-strapped family could not afford the transplants needed to keep both healthy.
The pre-teen came up with the disturbing death plot and the plan to donate her organs to her father and sibling, and actually tried to recruit an older sister to do the same, the Times reported.
The older girl laughed off the talk, but Mumpy swallowed a deadly pesticide on June 27. Despite efforts to save the girl, she died later that same day.
The girl, in keeping with Indian tradition, was cremated - and her suicide note was found in her bedroom one day later.

BY Larry Mcshane

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